Core Aeration

Aeration is a highly beneficial practice for your lawn, offering significant advantages. By removing plugs of soil, aeration improves soil structure and creates pockets for new root growth, fostering a healthier and more robust root system. This process enables better water absorption and essential nutrient delivery to your lawn, ensuring its overall vitality and lushness.

Starting at $110+

Benefits to Core Aeration

Reduces Soil Compaction
By alleviating soil compaction, core aeration promotes thicker and deeper root growth, resulting in a lawn that is more resilient to drought and frost.

Enhances Soil Water Uptake
Core aeration allows the soil to hold more water, providing better water retention for your lawn’s needs.

Improves Fertilizer Uptake
With reduced soil compaction, essential nutrients from fertilizers can penetrate the soil more effectively, ensuring better uptake by your lawn’s root system.

Strengthens Turf Roots
Core aeration fosters stronger and more resilient turf roots, ultimately contributing to the overall health and vigor of your lawn. This practice stands as one of the most effective ways to enhance your lawn’s well-being.